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Classic trip in Laos

Unforgettable experiences to inspire the mind

Southern Laos tour 5 days

Pakse - Champasak - Khong Island
Southern Laos tour 5 days: Experience the splendor of nature and agriculture, the Bolaven Plateau and 4000 Islands
5 days

Laos off the beaten track - 15 days

Dien Bien Phu - Phongsaly - Pakbeng
Laos off the beaten track 15 days: discover northern Laos, its charm, and nature. Its ethnic groups and authentic markets will leave you speechless
15 days

Laos tour 10 days The Ethnic groups

Luang Prabang - Oudomxay - Luang Namtha
Laos tour 10 days to discover the northern part of Laos in depth and to get to know its different ethnic groups and their timeless way of life
10 days

Panorama of Laos 14 days

Bokeo - Pakbeng - Luang Prabang
Laos tour 14 days, a concentration of must-see sites, magical landscapes, and traditions that will surely transport you!
14 days

Panorama of Laos 11 days

Bokeo - Pakbeng - Luang Prabang
Laos tour 11 days, a concentration of must-see sites, magical landscapes, and traditions that will surely transport you!
11 days

Panorama of Laos 7 days

Luang Prabang - Vientiane
Laos tour 7 days: The essentials of Laos, to discover Laos' culture, daily life, ethnic groups, landscapes and history
7 days

Panorama of Laos 9 days

Luang Prabang - Vientiane - Pakse
Laos tour 9 days to discover Luang Prabang, the symbol of Southeast Asia: the Mekong, the beauty of the 4000 islands and many other treasures
9 days

good reasons to travel
Classic IN Laos



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In January, the country is dry, with pleasant warm temperatures, although it can be quite cold in the north of the country.

  • In northern region, daytime temperatures hover between 20-24°C (68-75°F)
  • The central region, including Vientiane, the capital city, temperatures range from 16°C to 28°C (61-82°F)
  • The southern region, including Pakse, experiences slightly warmer weather with highs reaching up to 30°C (86°F)

January offers a great balance of comfortable temperatures, clear skies, and fewer tourists, making it one of the best times to explore Luang Prabang, Bolaven Plateau, Vientiane.

In February, Laos experiences pleasant weather across most regions, making it an ideal time to visit. The country remains in the dry season, with temperatures beginning to rise moderately compared to January.

  • In the northern region, daytime temperatures are mild, averaging around 24°C (75°F).
  • Central Laos, including Vientiane, sees comfortable temperatures similar to the north, but slightly warmer during the day.
  • Southern Laos begins to warm up in February, with temperatures frequently reaching 30°C (86°F).

In February you can join Boun Ma Kha Bu Saar / full moon festival and Wat Phou - Champasak festival if you come to Laos.

In March, the weather in Laos continues to heat up, marking the end of the dry season and the beginning of the hot season.

  • Northern regions like Luang Prabang, Luang Namtha, and Phongsali experience mild temperatures, making it an ideal time for trekking. While daytime temperatures can reach around 29°C (84°F).
  • Central regions sees temperatures rising, with averages around 33-34°C (92-93°F).
  • Southern regions are hotter, with daytime temperatures around 34-35°C (93-95°F).

If you're planning to visit Laos in March, it's a good time to explore the northern and central regions for cooler climates and to avoid the intense heat of the south.

In April, Laos experiences some of the hottest weather of the year as it transitions from the dry to the wet season. Humidity levels hover around 70%, making the heat feel even more intense.

  • In northern region, temperatures in the north range from 30°C to 34°C (86°F to 93°F). Although it's hot, the evenings, especially in higher elevations, can be slightly cooler.
  • Central region sees temperatures from 32°C to 36°C (90°F to 97°F). The region is hot and dry with minimal rain.
  • Southern Laos is the hottest region, with temperatures reaching up to 40°C (104°F). The weather is dry with high humidity.

April can be challenging due to the extreme heat, but it's also a culturally rich time with the Lao New Year festivities. If you're visiting during this period, ensure you take precautions against the heat by staying hydrated, using sunscreen, and planning your activities during cooler parts of the day​.

In May, Laos experiences the beginning of the rainy season, which brings significant changes in weather across the country. The heat from the previous months starts to ease slightly, but temperatures remain high. Humidity levels also rise considerably, making the weather feel hotter.

  • Northern Laos (Luang Prabang): Temperatures hover around 32°C (89.6°F) with cooler nights, especially in the highlands
  • Central Laos (Vientiane): The capital experiences daily highs of about 34°C (93.2°F) with increasing rainfall, averaging around 236mm for the month.
  • Southern Laos (Pakse): This region sees the onset of true monsoon weather, with rainfall totals reaching up to 223mm. Daytime temperatures can still reach highs of 33°C to 35°C (91.4°F to 95°F).

May can still be a good time to visit, especially if you prefer fewer crowds. However, the increasing rain might disrupt outdoor activities and transportation in some areas. For travelers who want to explore the natural beauty of Laos, this month offers lush green landscapes, but it’s important to prepare for sudden downpours

In June, Laos is deep into the wet season, with rainfall and humidity levels significantly increasing across the country.

  • Temperatures in northern Laos, particularly in higher altitudes, hover around 25°C to 30°C.
  • In the central regions, including Vientiane, temperatures range between 25°C to 33°C.
  • The south experiences more rain compared to the north, with temperatures often reaching the high 20s to low 30s°C.

Suggested destinations in june is 4000 Islands. Due to the increase in rainfall, the waterfalls in this region come to life, making it an excellent time for nature lovers.

July is part of the rainy season in Laos, with high humidity and frequent rain. Temperatures typically range from 25°C to 35°C. Rain can occur at any time of day, but it's most common in the late afternoon or evening.

  • In the northern areas, temperatures are usually cooler, ranging from 22°C to 30°C.
  • The central part of Laos tends to be warmer, with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 33°C.
  • In the southern part of Laos, the weather is hot and humid, with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C.

Recommended travel destinations based on july weather are Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng, Pakse, Si Phan Don (4,000 Islands).

August is still part of the rainy season, with high humidity and frequent rainfall.

  • In the northern areas, temperatures are cooler, ranging from 22°C to 30°C.
  • The central part of Laos experiences temperatures between 25°C and 33°C.
  • The southern region remains hot and humid, with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C.

Muddy and wet trails make walking difficult or impossible, and slippery and dangerous trails may be flooded. Some remote areas, caves, and popular tourist attractions, such as Kouang Si Waterfall, may be closed.

September is still part of the rainy season, with high humidity and frequent, sometimes heavy, rain.

  • In the northern areas, temperatures range from 21°C to 29°C.
  • The central part of Laos experiences temperatures between 24°C and 32°C.
  • In the southern part of Laos, temperatures range from 24°C to 34°C.

For a trip to Laos in September, Luang Prabang is likely the best choice. Luang Prabang provides a balanced mix of cultural experiences and natural beauty, with plenty of indoor options to stay dry and comfortable.

October marks the end of the rainy season. While there is still some rain, it tends to decrease compared to the previous months.

  • In the northern part of Laos, temperatures range from 18°C to 28°C.
  • The central region experiences temperatures between 22°C and 32°C.
  • In the southern part of Laos, temperatures range from 24°C to 34°C.

You can join Boun Khao Padabdin / Rice and Boat Racing Festival in October.

November is part of the dry season in Laos, with significantly less rainfall compared to the rainy season.

  • In the northern areas, temperatures range from 15°C to 28°C.
  • The central region experiences temperatures between 20°C and 32°C.
  • In the southern part of Laos, temperatures range from 22°C to 34°C.

Coming to Vientiane at this time, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the quiet atmosphere of the famous temples in Laos. Besides, there is nothing better than favorable weather that will support your trip to visit famous places such as: Ho Phra Kaew Pagoda, Lao National Museum, Buddha Statue Garden, Arc de Triomphe...

In December, Laos experiences some of the best weather conditions of the year, as it is fully into the dry season.

  • In the northern areas, temperatures can range from 10°C to 25°C.
  • The central region experiences temperatures between 15°C and 30°C.
  • In the southern part of Laos, temperatures range from 22°C to 34°C.

With dry, warm weather and ideal river cruising conditions.

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to Laos

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32. The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.//"

It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance.

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