Things To Do In Laos

Laos | Destination

Things To Do In Laos

Discover the best things to do in Laos with our comprehensive guide that highlights the top attractions, must-do activities, and best times to visit. Savor local cuisine and get recommendations for the finest hotels, restaurants, cafes, souvenir shops, and tailor services
10 Jul, 2024 Khánh Linh

Laos, a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, is renowned for its serene landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and welcoming locals. Among its allure are the UNESCO-listed "must-see" sites and mythical locations that captivate our imaginations and have long been dreamed of visiting.

Get relaxed in this small country that is serene, with philosophy once described as "The Vietnamese plant the rice, the Cambodians tend the rice and the Lao listen to it grow."

  • The capital, Vientiane, offers a blend of French colonial architecture and Buddhist temples.

  • Luang Prabang, a UNESCO World Heritage site, enchants visitors with its ancient monasteries and vibrant night markets.

  • Adventurers can explore the lush jungles, majestic waterfalls, and the mysterious Plain of Jars.

  • Laos' traditional cuisine, featuring sticky rice and fragrant herbs, is a delightful culinary journey.

  • Whether seeking tranquility or adventure, Laos provides an unforgettable experience with Hanoivoyages.

Discover places to visit Laos and the best time to visit?

So without further ado, let’s get started!

Things to do in Lao : Must-see destination

Luang Prabang - The Ancient Religious Capital

The Ancient Religious Capital of Laos - Luang PrabangDeclared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is the most serene and spiritual city in the country. There are still many active monasteries here, and incredible golden temples with elegant, traditional roofs that inspire not only to meditate but are also a photographers dream.

See the procession of barefooted, saffron-robed monks and listen to religious chants.

  • Wat Xieng Thong - A stunning Buddhist temple known for its exquisite architecture and intricate mosaics.

  • Kuang Si Falls - A breathtaking multi-tiered waterfall with turquoise pools perfect for swimming.

  • Mount Phousi - A hill in the center of town offering panoramic views of Luang Prabang and the surrounding landscape.

  • Royal Palace Museum - A historical museum that was once the royal residence, showcasing artifacts and the rich history of Laos.

Vientiane - Mix Of Chinese, French, Thai, Us, And Vietnamese Influences

Vientiane - Mix of Chinese, French, Thai, Us and Vietnamese Influences

Being described as a small, sleepy and peaceful capital, tree-lined boulevards and numerous temples are a layoff from the busy and noisy capitals of other Southeast Asian countries.

Catch your breath, especially at dusk when you can sit at the riverside restaurants. Try Laotian cuisine and watch the skies turn red.

  • Patuxai: This triumphal arch, reminiscent of Paris's Arc de Triomphe, offers stunning views of Vientiane from its top.

  • Wat Si Saket: The oldest temple in Vientiane, it houses thousands of tiny Buddha statues and is a serene escape within the city.

  • Pha That Luang: A gold-covered stupa and Laos' most important national monument, symbolizing both the Buddhist religion and Lao sovereignty.

The Plain Of Jars - Mysterious Attraction

The Plain of Jars in Xiangkhouang, Laos

The Plain of Jars, located near Phonsavan, is an archaeological marvel. Scattered across this vast area lie hundreds of enormous jars, each weighing an incredible amount. Most jars range from 550 kilograms to 1 tonne, with the largest one tipping the scales at a staggering 6 tonnes!

Archaeological studies haven't yet unraveled all their secrets. However, one thing is clear: these colossal jars were meticulously carved from solid boulders. What's even more astonishing is that nothing similar has been found anywhere else on the planet.

The Plain of Jars continues to intrigue archaeologists and visitors alike. The sheer size and craftsmanship of these jars hint at an advanced civilization from a bygone era. Unraveling the secrets of these enigmatic jars promises to shed light on Laos's fascinating history.

The Bolaven Plateau - 1200m Above Sea Level

The Bolaven Plateau

Boasting fertile land and a perfect climate, Laos' Bolaven Plateau is a haven for agriculture. Here, vast coffee plantations, cultivating both Arabica and Robusta beans, share space with farms growing other valuable crops. Tea, pepper, cardamom, and rubber trees thrive in this rich environment.

This agricultural powerhouse isn't just about variety – it's about impressive production. Did you know? The Bolaven Plateau yields over 10,000 tonnes of coffee beans annually! Most of these beans are exported, making Laos a significant player in the global coffee market.

Wat Phou Or "Mountain Temple" In Champasak

Wat Phou

You guessed right, the “Wat” in the name is not the only similarity. The same monarchs who are responsible for building Angkor Wat built Wat Phou complex. It is even older than Angkor Wat!

As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Wat Phou is a must-visit for any traveler to Laos. Its cascading terraces, adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures, offer a glimpse into the architectural prowess of the Khmer Empire.

The climb to the top of Wat Phou is rewarded with breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and the mighty Mekong River. Immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere of this sacred site and discover the wonders of ancient Khmer architecture.

Si Phan Don Or The 4000 Islands

The 4000 Islands

The largest of the islands of this river archipelago are inhabited all year round, and the tranquil river-oriented village life of the area makes this beautiful part of Laos somewhere to spend some relaxing time.

If you are lucky, you will spot some freshwater dolphins, and there are some spectacular waterfalls and river rapids in the area to visit.

Things to do here:

  • Indulge in Culinary Delights: Embark on a culinary journey and savor the flavors of Laos.

  • Relax with Riverside Massage: Pamper yourself with a rejuvenating riverside massage.

  • Witness Stunning Sunsets: Capture the beauty of the 4000 Islands as the sun dips below the horizon.


In our opinion, those are the best places to visit in Laos.

Agree? Have some additional place on your mind? Contact us to discuss it!
